Saturday, August 3, 2013


I find her waiting at the doorstep when I get home. She has turned up un-announced again, as she is wont to do. No luggage is in sight, she hasn’t even taken her shoes off and she is at the door poised, as if making an exit.
“Were you leaving or were you about to come in?” I ask her considerately, hoping she reads between the lines and discloses the purpose of her tarriance.
“It’s been a long time”, she answers.
That is the thing with her, she believes in brevity. There is no reading between the lines; there is no reading at all if she were to have her way. She taught me long ago that you look for meanings only when you are unwilling to accept the ones you already have.
“Acceptance sets you free to chase newer rainbows. If you study the rain drops and their pattern, you are left not only soaking wet but with an icy mist around the heart”, she told me once.
It has been a long time. That is the other thing about her, she regularly states the obvious. I wonder if it is because I am unwilling to see it, since the obvious is always the last option. You come to it when every other avenue you have explored leaves you with tired feet and a weary heart and no real answers. At least not the answers you were looking for.
I contemplate questioning her about the length of her visit but decide against it. She arrives uninvited, makes herself at home and leaves without notice or trace. That is the pattern and though it gives me no solace that all the decisions lie with her, I am a mere player in this pantomime.
“What do you remember about my last visit?’ she asks.
We all have areas in our hearts that we cordon off for ourselves for there are the truths that must not be admitted even to one’s self. There are vistas that are never explored, thoughts that never see the light of the day and nostalgia that is never aired and hopes never spoken. There is a face behind the mask. I dare not peek behind because the only face I know is the one I see in the mirror. It is an image, this much I know, but this skewed sense of reality suits me better than a truth that leaves you with nowhere to hide.
So I don’t answer the question about her last visit, because every visit of her challenges me to rip off the mask and spread my truths in a jumbled heap over the floor. I remember that every visit of her starts with a burning desire to ask her to leave. She doesn’t of course, like I said before I am a player; I cannot call curtains on her role and she loves to play it with such plume. Along the way, I get used to her presence, she grows on me like a second skin and I stop wanting her to go away. She doesn’t like it then, she values her freedom and this dependency is unpleasant for both of us.  However, we were good together once.
“You cannot define your journey by your fellow travelers”, she says. “And you cannot define it by its milestones either…you arrive when you know that you could just stop where you are and know that you had a good journey so far”.
”Why do you single me out for a visit?” I ask her. “I get along quite well, when you are not around”. At this she laughs and it is as beautiful as I remembered.
“Why do I visit you? Surely you must know the answer to that”. I don’t really know and I tell her so. She lowers her voice and leans closer, “When you look into the mirror every day, you see what you want to see, you ignore the hurt, you ignore the sadness, and you don’t notice the gleam that has been hiding behind the faraway look in your eyes. You get used to a familiarity that does not allow you to truth".
I am standing before the mirror as she says this and I turn around sharply to see how she can possibly see what my eyes have been hiding from me, all along. There is no one behind me. The door rocks ever so slightly in the gentle wind outside. As I run a trembling hand over my face, I hear a voice in the wind.
“If I didn’t visit you every now and then, you wouldn’t know yourself, I exist to let you know that I will continue to define you as long as you let me. When you push me away and look for what is yours before I came along and defined it for you, you will not need a mirror, and you will not need anyone, anymore”.
I walk away from the mirror and see if she is outside somewhere, she is gone, like a breeze on a hot day. Somewhere far away the wind whispers to itself and a barrage of leaves arrives at my feet.
“Don’t fight me too hard”, her voice says strangely disembodied over the wind, “for while I may hurt you when around, you will be uncomfortable with yourself if I were not to cross your path every now and again. You call me a memory, but I can easily become longing, sorrow or despair whenever you will allow me to”.
"We were good together once", I remind myself...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

For Bella

This was a very touching song written for Bella by a friend of mine, Kassie (yes, with a K).  Kassie, Jaz and Bella go way back.  Thank you again, Kassie. I don't know what to say. This means a lot.  Though I am still hoping it is not her time yet to leave me.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I'd Rather She'd Given Me an STD....

If it Can Happen to Me

So, it was a Sunday morning, April 14 .  I had just finished taking Bella for a walk.  I noticed my phone battery was already a good deal used and my phone was hot….to the touch that is.  Though it is a pretty cool phone too.  It was also pretty slow to respond, so I reset it (turned it off and back on.  It did not come on.  All I got was a black screen. I tried for a little while and finally it came back on, but quickly got hot again.  So I decided I would just leave it alone for a while. 

At this point I logged in my computer and was about to do my normal Sunday morning ritual, coffee and …..Disclose.TV! Yea!  UFOs, conspiracies, Bigfoot…all the good stuff.  It comes out once a week and I am addicted.  Good entertainment….or is it?  Anyway, immediately I noticed I could NOT log on to my Gmail.  This was troubling.  I did all the normal stuff like reboot my computer etc. and still…nope.  Let me point out to you at this point that I am in the IT industry for 20 + years now. And at one time a bit of a hacker. These days not so much.  At lot more difficult (though not impossible) for what it is worth….seriously.  You have no idea.  I have a life you know.

After trying several more times unsuccessfully it hit me, I’d been hacked!!! How in the world?!?  I mean, I am pretty darn careful and I am in IT damn it!  I quickly googled (pretty ironic huh?) the problem and looked up what to do.  I called googled and as long as you have the answers to your “secret questions”. They can send you a password reset link. At first the rep was going to email it so I gave him my address but that was hacked too- I’ll get to this later.  He ended up just giving me the link upon my answering my two very secret questions.  Good thing I remembered the answers. It had been 4 freaking years. 

I reset my password but by the time I had been done talking the google rep my phone gave out.  Was out of battery again already!  And I had not even used it.  Once again it was hot to the touch…real hot.

I was pissed.  I had already had a phone replacement from AT&T.  Instead of calling them I had to get online and use the online chat offering. (Hate those).  They were nice enough to send me another phone overnight.  Of course, this couldn’t actually be sent until Monday and I received it Tuesday.  The next day from work I began to get control of my account.  I should also mention that my phone, the old one, would not even turn on anymore regardless of how long I attempted to charge it.  Again…very hot even though it would not boot any longer.

I spoke with Microsoft rep (in India?!?!) and guess what? They were able to tell me quite a bit.  Apparently their logs did not show any hacking but they did show a lot of activity from China, Romania and California? No hacking I said?  No was the reply.  They showed me changing my password late ….REAL late Saturday night.  The hell I did I told him.  Long story short they were able to look at their records and show all the activity that took place AFTER the password was change as well as the origin.  Yep, you guessed it, China and Romania? both bouncing off a server in LA. Without getting too technical and from what I had been keeping up on I began piecing this together.

What this hack job was doing was collecting addresses to spam.  Yep, no longer is searching for financial information the top priority.  Most people are too smart for that these days.  Apparently there is more money in the literally thousands of addresses they collect from your contacts. But wait!  That’s not all!  If you are like most people (and this guy) you have multiple email accounts. I have Gmail, and In addition I have my work account at the college I work for. Now most users, that’s right, most have the same exact password for most if not all of their accounts! I know I did, for years with the exception of my work email.  So now, once a hacker gets in, and I can explain how later, they see correspondence of your other accounts.  How?  When you set up other accounts you have to give a “secondary recovery email address”. These hackers are well aware that most and I really mean most (this guy included again) use the SAME password and more importantly the SAME security questions and/or phone number….I mean who has two cell phones on them at all times? And who can remember the answers to four or five DIFFERENT security questions? (NOT this guy)

Needless to say they reset my account. My new phone came in. And then it all hit me.  My girlfriends Yahoo account was recently hacked. Yahoo has had over 450,000 accounts hacked this year alone, however they are not the only targets!  Take a look at the links below.  So how does that concern me?  Well, take a look at this:


The email above came from my girlfriends Yahoo account.  Some of the addresses are blocked out for their privacy. Notice the link?  This exact email was sent to all three of my accounts as well as the others listed.  I believe I first received it AND clicked on it from my Gmail account.  Nothing happened.  Nothing opened.  That was a bit odd but I did not think much of it at the time. And look at all the other addresses it was sent to.  By the time I received the third email at my work address my girlfriend had informed me that her Yahoo account had been hacked. I thought big surprise.  Just so you all know, Yahoo is the absolute worst.  User accounts on Yahoos services have been hacked more than all the other services all combined!  See the links below for the info on this.

And then it gets even more interesting.  At work I receive this notice. Why?  Because apparently users at my work have also been victims. The good news about that is the hardware firewall we have at work keeps it at bay.  Unfortunately it cannot prevent it from its intended objective which is to harvest email address and contacts.  Normally, you will not even know you have been hacked.  They will continue to harvest your email addresses and those of your contacts and any other information they can get.  In some reported cases like my own, you will know it and you will not be able to get one or all of your accounts.  The lesson is this.  Don’t be like me.  DO NOT have the same simple password for all your accounts because once they are one account they see another account of yours that you have emailed between accounts with.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that you have used the same password.  So for them, more email addresses to spam.  Also many of us idiots, myself included have same password for their “other” accounts.  Bank accounts, utilities, eBay etc.  Now THERE is a jackpot of financial information as well. 

This brings me back to my phone.  The one that fried and I had to have replaced?  I will give you one hint as to why now.  Apparently whomever was “harvesting” my accounts for the information they contained also got to my cell phone account.  They had been literally burning up the location services on my phone using the built in location services like latitude and my windows phone find feature.  That feature on my phone was not working anyway but apparently it was still able to literally burn up my cell by making it so hot it shut off. This was a flaw in my phone.  This is not normal and in all likelihood happen to you. 

In closing.  What you should do if you feel you have been compromised. To begin with…..DO NOT click on ANY link you do not recognize even if it is from someone you know.  Look at the link above.  It is not from YouTube or any other easily recognizable service.  When in doubt contact the person that sent it and ask.  Opening the email does not get you into trouble at this point but clicking the link will.  You will not even know it.  Change ALL your accounts passwords.  Not just your email accounts, but for utilities and especially your banking. Do NOT use the same passwords (like this idiot did).
SCAN YOUR PC!  Use Malwarebytes or another AND a good virus scanner like Microsoft Security Essentials.  Do not just rely on one!

Now….to tell the girlfriend(ex?)  It's not as easy as you think. She could be and most likely is comprimised.  Worse yet, she could think it's me. I have found out long ago hacking isn’t sexy.  Not to mention that I don't have the skills to pull off what I used to 4 or 5 years ago.  However she is partial to Chinese people.


This Sunday (today for me) I got a call from one of my credit cards with a few charges for services that they thought were suspicious.  They were correct. Five charges in all; $1.99, $1.95, $9.95 etc.  all under $10 a piece but none were of my doing. Final advice: CHANGE YOUR CREDIT CARDS & BANK CARDS!  What a pain in the ass..... This only seemed to affect one of my 3 credit card but it also affected my debit card.  You see, if you purchase anything while infected, then they have access to your payment information. Scan your computer!  If you purchased anything where you had to put your card information in, meaning it was not already stored on the sitess' service, then  consider changing your cards. I had to scrape for change to get my coffee this morning.

I am seriously giving thought to getting a guaranteed prepaid credit card I can just refill to use online and around town.


Today I find that my paypal was overdrawn but almost $360!  And you know where this money is drawn from?  Yep, you guessed it, my bank account! So, now my bank account is overdrawn and this time by a credible source, Paypal. They are getting it sorted with Paypal but that means I am effectively out that money until they do, which could take up to 30 days!   .......#@&^&!#
