Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Astrology: You Just Had to Know I'd Get to it Eventually....

Is there any way other than saying outright, ASTROLOGERS ARE IDIOTS and ASTROLOGY IS BULLSHIT!

By now you’ve probably heard that thanks to Earth’s “wobble” over many millennia, your sign has been shifted backwards by about a month. Meaning I’ve gone from a Libra to a Virgo – bummer! But, if you happen to be born between November 29 – December 17 you’re likely not just bummed about losing your sign, you’re also thinking “WTF is Ophiuchus anyway?!”

It is followed as science rather than entertainment by many, many people. I recently caught an episode of some reality based dating show where one of the contestants was boasting about how intelligent he was and that he was an astrologer. Intelligence and astrology do not mix

"What's your sign?" This might be the most direct way to find out a person's astrological sign, but often the curiosity is disguised by less ugh-inducing words. "When's your birthday?" is what I often hear. "So you're a Pisces? Aries?" And then, inevitably, silence. Quietly judging….. silence.

The last time this happened to me, I fired back with, "What does that mean to you?" I never got an answer. Why ask the question if it's not going to segue into a new discussion?

Don't get me wrong — I read my horoscope almost every day, ok, maybe once or twice a month. It's not like I don't want to believe. It is just that it is unfortunate that I have a brain that won’t let me. And I wouldn't use astrology as a tactic to get to know someone or, worse, seek a rationale behind someone's actions. Do sign seekers, overt or covert, ever make you want to unleash some Scorpio-style wrath?

It’s time to straighten up people! You’ve got to learn to think rationally about all of that information that’s flying into your ears 24/7. Every time you hear someone make a claim about something, think to yourself, “Hmm, does that sound reasonable? How could that work? Is that BULLSHIT?” A little more thought like that and this world will be a much better place…
"It ain't rocket surgery!"

There are a lot of stupid people walking around out there but there are even more stupid ideas and beliefs. We go throughout our lives believing in whatever is told to us because that’s just human nature (ex. Y2K, 2012, red heads). A current craze in Japan has people believing their blood type dictates what their personality is like. Four of the ten top selling books in 2008 were A, B, AB, and O (guess what they’re about). That may sound absolutely ridiculous to you but before you start feeling all high and mighty over the Japanese, take a look …

Quick question. What’s your blood type? A lot of people don’t know this. Your blood is pumping through you like a mad man 24/7 yet you have no idea what kind you’re rockin. How about this. What’s your sign? I bet a lot more of you can answer this than what type of life liquid is in your veins….crazy.

Astrology is an ancient belief system that says that the position of celestial bodies in the sky can influence not only things like personality and daily human events but major events in history like wars, Dynasties, and the “end of the world.” There are many different types of Astrology that have evolved over time in different parts of the world but the one that industrialized countries like America follow is known as Western Astrology. The main tenant of Astrology is known as the Zodiac. The Zodiac is a path of constellations that the Sun, Moon, and planets travel through the sky. Ancient astrologers decided which twelve were most important and each was given a personality trait. Whatever constellation the celestial bodies pass over when you were born dictates your sign.
All of the predictions horoscopes give of what you and your day will be like are so vague they could apply to anyone. And the thing is, it’s not a problem if you want to look in a newspaper or magazine and get a giggle out of what your horoscope reads for that day. It’s a problem that some people actually believe this stuff so strongly they let it affect their daily lives.

I can understand people of the past believing in Astrology because they needed a way to explain the world around them. That’s all religion does. But now with science helping us to understand the Universe around us, how can anyone still believe in this magical bullshit? It’s crazy to me that people actually think that the position of the Moon can make such a complex thing as the human brain turn into only twelve different types of personalities. Do you really think that the world is split into just twelve kinds of people and personalities?

Your Horoscope: oooohh sorry....it's cancer.

Not only does Astrology tell you what kind of personality you have, it tells you what other kinds of Zodiacs you are compatible with. Can you imagine how many people have distanced themselves from others just because their signs didn’t match up? Also, people who believe in Astrology begin to take up the personality traits assigned to them so that they end up making a “self-fulfilling prophecy“. They literally let the teachings of the Zodiac influence their lives! Now that’s stupid.
MEASUREMEANT OF ACCURACY of this blog may be determined by the degree of offense taken and/or laughter evoked.

Please, if you are an astrologer, comment. Prove me wrong. Mostly, comment and prove me right. I suspect your ego will prevent silence. Please, astrologers, let's discuss this.

Any others, that share my thoughts, please, tell us how you agree that astrology is bullshit and astrologers are idiots.

Numerologists, chirologists, phrenologists are welcome to discuss and display their stupidity too. I would invite horologists too, but they are probably to busy watching their clocks contrary to what the younger generation presupposes what a horologist actually does. Hint: they do

1 comment:

  1. LOL, although I was going to keep silent because I agree astrology isn't a science even if it has the suffix "the study of," I couldn't help but post my cautionary astrological advice for today:

    "Today isn't a good day to sign contracts or make any substantial purchases, Aquarius. Go to the grocery store, by all means, but buy hamburger, not tenderloin. Keep your money at home and safeguard your reserves. Don't negotiate about anything. No matter how good the offer sounds or how compelling the deal, walk away."

    Well, shit. There goes my plan of going to AJ's and getting some tenderloins for tonight's dinner so I can crack open my Beaujolais. Safeguard my reserves? Don't negotiate about ANYTHING? How am I supposed to decide with my alter-ego which latte I wish to have this afternoon? Beware beef industry, your profits are going down today because us Aquarians need to lower our standards, stay at home to safeguard our reserves, and to not talk to anyone today about anything remotely important because we can't negotiate any middle ground. Guess I better go put my pjs back on and curl up in bed and hope for a better day tomorrow... or not.

