Sunday, February 15, 2009

Getting to Know Me

1. I still cannot eat spaghetti without getting some on my shirt.
2. I love cheese, nachos, ice cream, whip cream and popcorn!
3. I love Starbucks! In fact, when I was sick for about 10 days and couldn’tshow up to get my morning coffee, the staff and patrons got together and got me a get-well card for me. They also took turns bringing me my daily coffee. Job security.
4. I’m probably the only person you will know that broke their arm in a chess tournament. I tripped went I was jumping up and down celebrating.
5. Bella is a much better dancer than I am.
6. I STILL cannot seem to remember to put my toothbrush in my mouth BEFORE turning it on.
7. Lists like these make me very horny.
8. I grew up with 7 older sisters. I didn’t know what the inside of a bathroom looked like until I was 9 years old.
9. I have many pet peeves. One of which is people that have too many pet
10. I have problems remembering things.
11. I’m VERY sarcastic. Duh!
12. Whenever I’m depressed I go to Wal-Mart. You only need to hear, “Now put that down honey! You know we can’t afford no Tang!” just once to realize that you don’t have it so bad. Hey, I didn’t say I was proud of it.
13. I love the word “Queue.” It is the only word that if you dropped the last 4 letters would still sound the same.
14. I’m a very peaceful and caring person. If anyone tries to take that away from me I beat the crap out of them!
15. I carry wet naps and practice safe texting.
16. I’m not afraid to cry. Admittingly, when I hurt myself, but I’m working on that.
17. I love to write.
18. I have problems remembering things.
19. I am very outgoing. I’ve been told I have an “air” about me. I’m not sure what they mean but I’ve started wearing more deodorant anyway.
20. I love to sing and play guitar.
21. I love teaching.
22. I like thunderstorms and rainy weather. Why am I in Tucson again?
23. When people first meet me, there is a 50-50 chance they will either hate me or like me. But that is only right 50% of the time.
24. Fanaticism of ANY type pisses me off. Once you’ve crossed the line to fanatic about ANYTHING, you’ve stopped learning and accepting new information. Even health nuts are still nuts. 
25. I am seldom serious. Seriously.

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