Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Coffee & Kharma

As Bella lolled her weary head on the leg of the chair, visions of her resplendent day at the cafe and of those favored enough to have seen her careen gaily in her head. The smells; the smiles; the delighted looks and the nods of approval are all the succor of her imagination now. This, the result of her anticipated albeit infrequent peregrinations to her esteemed parochial coffee shop. The inviting aromas of brewed coffee, flavored teas and warm pastries waft through the air imbuing their way to the shops patio where they find Bella’s now resting senses. And though she would rather have the latter, all serve testimony to her campaign. This confluence of subtle aromas, gentle breezes and casual conversations offer a prelude to her slumberous state. Her day already rich and replete with memories, she is exhausted.

At first glance, you would not find her contrary to most other pugs you may have regarded. In addition to her wrinkled face, she is a playful, portly breed full of mischief most resembling a loaf of bread on legs than anything else. Not unlike most pugs, the pig-like grunting noises she often makes is to communicate with us humans. With Bella, however, it is her amorous nature and her sincere personality that truly set her apart. As usual all succumb to her charms. Her bounteous and unimpeachable affection serve to expel all trepidations and concerns for those lucky enough to have happened upon her, at least for the moment. And an auspicious moment it is. For once an introduction is made, few will forget her. If you have not had the fortuity to meet Kharma Isabella do not consider yourself unfavored. There is always next week. For even now as Bella slumbers she is already dreaming of you and of the serendipitous chance you may yet have to meet her.

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